Ayurveda is one of the most ancient systems of medicine serving the humankind as the parent of all other systems of medicine. The river called Ayurveda has its origin from the Vedas and flowing through the great classics called Samhithas of great Acharyas of Ayurveda as Charaka, Sushruta and Vaghbatta. Ayurveda has two major fields, the preventive field and curative field. Ayurveda believes that the health of the healthy can be bettered and positive health could be attained. This is a system which gives importance to prevention subscribing to the theory "Prevention is better than Cure." Even though it is ancient in the diagnostic aspect, the treatment aspect is scientific to the core. The highlighting aspect of this system is its perspective of human health i.e. health is taken in trinity -mind, body and soul as the three are mutually influential. Furthermore, the importance of health is taken into consideration in both
Establishment Year
Hospital Services
Research Units
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An Herbal garden of medicinal plants is developed for identifying medical herbs by students and teachers.
Sufficient number of charts and models are also available in the departments of college.
Building a career is not restricted to imparting education only. Imparting education is only one aspect of it.
A Library is the lifeblood of an academic institution and library always stands as the replica of any institute.
All the faculty members are well qualified, trained & well experienced in their respective fields.
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