Research Unit

To development of Ayurveda through research three schemes are followed with the collaboration of state and central government in this institute which running continuously.

  • Herbal Research Unit
  • Literary Research Unit
  • Clinical Research Unit

Herbal Research Unit

In 1958 Herbal Research Unit is established with the following objects.

  • By of survey to collect the information of herbs found in places of M.P. and collect their specimen.
  • Identification of collected herbs.
  • To find out the medicinal utility of collected herbs.
  • To storage and preservation of useful herbs.
  • Exploration of doubtfully herbs.
Officer in charge DR. K. L. SHARMA
Designation Prpfessor & H.O.D., Dept. of Dravya Guna Vigyana
Qualification B.A.M.S., MD, PHD

Literary Research Unit

In 1958 Literary Research Unit is established and functionally started in 1965 with the following objects.

  • Collection of ancient Ayurvedic literatures and their Sanskrit annotation.
  • To prepare the script review of ancient treatise.
  • To prepare the relevant manuscripts (Pandulipis) for publication.
  • Accomplishment and rectification of monographs of herbal research.
  • Preservation of Pandulipi (manuscript).

Department have 100 Pandulipi (67-critical analysed and 33- un analysed). Following oldest Pandulipi -

  • More than 300 year old – 03 Pandulipi
  • More than 250 year old – 02 Pandulipi
  • More than 200 year old – 03 Pandulipi
  • More than 150 year old - 18 Pandulipi
  • There are some ancient Ayurveda literatures available in the department.
  • Charak Samhita original – 1713 Samvat (year)
  • Harit Samhita – 1727 Samvat (year)
  • Him mat Prakash – 1731 Samvat (year)
Officer in charge DR. ABHAY KUMAR JAIN
Designation Senior Research Vaidya
Qualification B.A.M.S.

Clinical Research Unit

In 1958 clinical research unit was established along with herbal Research Unit and Literary Research Unit. Presently this unit is working separately in the central unit of Regional research department.